Sunday, July 31, 2011

Preserving Basil Trimings

With the help of blogs A Pinch Of... and Kalyn's Kitchen I got a little refresher course on how to freeze Basil today and managed to process and store all my basil trimmings for later use.

I couldn't find my little ice cub tray so I ended up using a styrofoam egg carton we recycled. I am hoping once they are freezing they will be easy to get out.

Guess I'll see how it goes!

1 comment:

Michelinda Beisly Smith said...

WONDERFUL! I just bought a huge bag of basil at the farmer's market and was trying to figure the best thing to do with it - rather than try to cook everything I know to do with basil before it goes bad! (paid $2 for a Walmart bag full!)